Great View

Great View
Guell Parc, Barcelona

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

New Info

Hello Everyone, I want to let you know I have been working on updating our blog with information pages.  We want you to enjoy your stay in Mataro and Barcelona.  I have included a Travel page with help links and general travel information.  We are also working on a Tourism page with ideas of places to visit while in the area.

You should be receiving your invitations so look out for them in the mail, please be sure to let us know if you are joining us for this great adventure into the next chapter in our lives.   It will be a great time, we have many friends from all over the world coming, you can brush up on your Italian, Danish, English, French, Catalan, Swedish and of course Texican.  

So check out the new pages and we look forward to seeing you soon.    

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